Plate Locks has won every competition we have participated in and its no wonder!
They are revolutionary in the industry. It’s a simple solution to a problem every underground construction crew has faced. Below is a list of the various awards and recognition Plate Locks have won.
American Road and Transportation Builders Association Foundation National WINNER of the Foundation’s Roadway Work Zone Safety Awareness Award – Innovations in Technology/Product.
National Utility Contractors Association NUCA’s Utility Contractor Magazine – December 2011 named PLATE LOCKS among the “10 Utility Construction Machines and Technologies Changing the Industry“.
In the article The Next Evolution in Innovation, NUCA’s story stated “We can’t include every piece of great equipment, but we’ve brought the BEST of these new releases right here to our 2011 Innovations Showcase”.
Missouri Department of Transportation MODOT’s 2012 Call for Innovation Competition
PLATE LOCKS WON MoDOT’s 2012 “call to industry” competition for innovation to save money and improve safety. “We are looking for innovative ideas that make us a better organization, particularly within our maintenance operations,” said Mike Shea, MoDOT Maintenance Liaison Engineer. Plate Locks were among a very select few winners invited to be showcased during MoDOT’s System Operations and Management meeting in Springfield, Missouri.